Education is the most powerful weapon we can use the change this world
— Nelson Mandela

Who are we?

What is Service Learning?

The aHHa Movement is a group of students and teachers with a focus on service learning and ensuring everyone has access to the knowledge.

The greatest influence we have is the transformation within our children and ourselves as we share the knowledge and passion about global issues, and we realise the potential we have to make a positive influence both locally and globally.

Service learning is transformative education that seeks to integrate meaningful community service with academic learning. It is essentially learning by doing, as students and teachers realise they have the power to make change, while developing integral life skills as they reflect on the process.

It is student-centred, hands-on and is a collaborative relationship between the community and the classroom. Service Learning is about exploring the needs of ourselves and others, stepping into another persons shoes and determining what can be done to support them.  It involves awareness, compassion and engagement.




Students all around the globe are sharing their service learning projects, meeting together and connecting.



DEVICES SENT TO teachers and communities globally

To connect teachers and students globally, we have been sending donated second- hand lap tops, tablets and smart phones to some of the most remote communities in the world.



sharing the love 

From the Koomen farm to teachers homes. We have been sharing the love through selling flowers at schools. Profits from these flowers go directly towards our projects.


Computers, tablets and Smart Phones we recently sent over to Malawi for very under resourced schools.


Get Involved

We encourage teachers and students globally to bring social justice issues and projects into the classroom. Real action, real issues, real people, discussing the potential of education and the need for each child to reach their potential, even in the most challenging circumstances. 



Every school should have a social justice team, if you think you can lead a group and would like to start a team, we would love you to get involved. 

Volunteer opportunities

There are volunteer opportunities available locally and globally depending on your interest and credentials, everybody is welcome to join the team. 

Sharing the love

We are dropping off flowers at inner Melbourne Victorian schools. Teachers and students can purchase bunches of flowers, all profits go towards the projects created by our students and teachers. Additionally all donations are greatly appreciated. Thank you!